The first emigrant of our family was my maternal grandfather Spiros Vardaramatos.(Mattos after naturalization). He left our village Faraklata the year 1919 leaving behind his wife Matilda and trree daugters.Diamadina (my mother), age 5, Catherine 3 and Florence 18 months old. The year 1935 he was able to invite his family to Binghapton New York. My mother married at age 16 had already her first child and had no right to invitation from her father. Years later from 1950 and so on, my sisters and brother left for America and i was the last emigrant of the family 1964 at age 15.
My sisters Erato (Rita) and Tasoula (Tessie) were given in marriage by our grandparents. Our marvellous Nono Spiro and Nona Matilda. They did so much for us along with my dear aunts Catherina Evagelatos and Florence Halikias.Dear uncle Miltos Evagelatos was the kindest man. I remember my Nona Matilda sending us huge boxes of clothes two times every year. Winter and Summer. She was gathering them from my aunts and i had most beautiful dresses from my cousin Tilly Evagelatos-Carbo. Thank you cousin. Other poor kids of our village weared your clothes.
God Bless all those in Heaven and our dear aunt Florence Halikias who is still with us and is 100 years Young. My grandparents giving my sister Rita in marriage to Kostas Kapatos 1951 in Binghapton N.Y. In the pic. at the home of our grandparents.
I love you all.
My sisters Erato (Rita) and Tasoula (Tessie) were given in marriage by our grandparents. Our marvellous Nono Spiro and Nona Matilda. They did so much for us along with my dear aunts Catherina Evagelatos and Florence Halikias.Dear uncle Miltos Evagelatos was the kindest man. I remember my Nona Matilda sending us huge boxes of clothes two times every year. Winter and Summer. She was gathering them from my aunts and i had most beautiful dresses from my cousin Tilly Evagelatos-Carbo. Thank you cousin. Other poor kids of our village weared your clothes.
God Bless all those in Heaven and our dear aunt Florence Halikias who is still with us and is 100 years Young. My grandparents giving my sister Rita in marriage to Kostas Kapatos 1951 in Binghapton N.Y. In the pic. at the home of our grandparents.
I love you all.